Claire’s thoughts on Gross Reservoir and other issues in the Highlander “One of the great joys of campaigning for elected office ismeeting people in their special corner of beautiful BoulderCounty. Even during the pandemic I have been able to joinpeople in their backyards, on their favorite county trail andin their farm fields so they can tell me about their concernsfor the future of Boulder County […]
Click the link to read my Op Ed about what John Lewis taught us
Our work is to rebuild our country to end the oppression and fear of which John Lewis wrote. We must rebuild our economy so that everyone can experience the dignity of a decent life – a life in which the work they do is rewarded by decent wages; in which their children can see limitless opportunities; in which our brothers and sisters are not sleeping in tents in public parks for want of a decent place to live.
Claire discusses the gap in wages and employment for people of color in Colorado on KGNU
Improving essential jobs will help us avoid future pandemics
“Future pandemics are indeed a risk. We should be planning for the next pandemic now, even as we strive to overcome this one. Increasing wages for essential workers, improving benefits, bolstering our public health system, and addressing the causes of chronic disease will provide far more enduring protection than perpetuating suburban density living.”
Improving essential jobs will help us avoid future pandemics
Future pandemics are indeed a risk. We should be planning for the next pandemic now, even as we strive to overcome this one. Increasing wages for essential workers, improving benefits, bolstering our public health system, and addressing the causes of chronic disease will provide far more enduring protection than perpetuating suburban density living.
I support diversity.
Claire Levy: Diverse representation is critical I applaud Elise Jones, Deb Gardner and Cindy Domenico for pointing out in a Camera guest opinion the overwhelming whiteness of elected officials throughout Boulder County’s history. I care deeply about working towards racial equity and am encouraged to see wide support for that value. I am aware that the privilege […]
On the 18th anniversary of 9/11 . . .
We have been living under siege. But the source of that siege is domestic, and it emanates from racism, nationalism, xenophobia and other manifestations of cultural insecurity and intolerance.
Wages aren’t keeping up with living expenses
“. . . . Another revealing fact from Overlooked & Undercounted: populations of color in Colorado disproportionately experience inadequate income, with Latino/a households reporting the highest rate of inadequate income (47 percent), followed by African Americans (46 percent). That’s compared to 21 percent of white households.
“If anyone thinks that we have left persistent racism behind us, I think you just need to look at these data, and they tell a different story,” said Levy.
Statement about systemic racism
I’ve been on a journey to learn about my white privilege for several years. It has been hard work but it has been rewarding.
Guest opinion article in the Denver Post on Broken Bail System
Colorado is in the midst of a jail crisis. Across the state, jails are overcrowded, with several jails operating at 150 percent capacity with deplorable conditions. Yet the majority of people in those jails have not been convicted — they have been accused of a crime and are deemed to be innocent in the eyes […]